full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So the green shoots are out there. I don't want to pretend for a minute that what we have is going to be enough. We're facing very tough challenges. To give just one example, there are about five million Americans who have been unmelyoepd for at least six months. We're not going to fix things for them by sending them back to Montessori. And my biggest wrroy is that we're creating a wlrod where we're going to have glittering tinehgoecols embedded in kind of a shabby sitecoy and supported by an economy that generates inequality instead of opportunity.

Open Cloze

So the green shoots are out there. I don't want to pretend for a minute that what we have is going to be enough. We're facing very tough challenges. To give just one example, there are about five million Americans who have been __________ for at least six months. We're not going to fix things for them by sending them back to Montessori. And my biggest _____ is that we're creating a _____ where we're going to have glittering ____________ embedded in kind of a shabby _______ and supported by an economy that generates inequality instead of opportunity.


  1. worry
  2. world
  3. society
  4. unemployed
  5. technologies

Original Text

So the green shoots are out there. I don't want to pretend for a minute that what we have is going to be enough. We're facing very tough challenges. To give just one example, there are about five million Americans who have been unemployed for at least six months. We're not going to fix things for them by sending them back to Montessori. And my biggest worry is that we're creating a world where we're going to have glittering technologies embedded in kind of a shabby society and supported by an economy that generates inequality instead of opportunity.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
great news 3
machine age 3
middle class 3
societal challenges 3
economic news 2
economic playbook 2
guaranteed minimum 2
minimum income 2
green shoots 2
tough challenges 2
great point 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
guaranteed minimum income 2

Important Words

  1. americans
  2. biggest
  3. challenges
  4. creating
  5. economy
  6. embedded
  7. facing
  8. fix
  9. generates
  10. give
  11. glittering
  12. green
  13. inequality
  14. kind
  15. million
  16. minute
  17. montessori
  18. months
  19. opportunity
  20. pretend
  21. sending
  22. shabby
  23. shoots
  24. society
  25. supported
  26. technologies
  27. tough
  28. unemployed
  29. world
  30. worry